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Laboring Thoughts

"As we think, we change the physical nature of our brain. As we consciously direct our thinking, we can wire out toxins patterns of thinking and replace them with healthy thoughts." Dr. Caroline Leaf

The devil is not discriminatory. He doesn’t have any preferences on whose mind he attempts to penetrate. The devil tries to have his way with us and effect our minds with toxins. And it is for that very reason that we must be abstinence minded. Meaning we must refrain ourselves from engaging in those unhealthy thoughts. By maintaining an abstinence minded lifestyle is a decision that could alter our lives. Unhealthy thoughts are developing daily in our minds so we must stay protected with the word at ALL times. If we were to place our hand upon our forehead, we could feel those very thoughts kicking and moving around in our minds. These thoughts that labor in our mind tends to give birth to unhealthy one's because we have allowed them to grow and develop for too long. First our thoughts start out being like a newborn who has innocence, then as they are fed, they begin to grow into an adult who has sense. By this time, it’s too late for us to abort these thoughts. However, it’s not too late to hand them over to God and have Him to take care of them.

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