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How many of us have ever dealt with fake friends? Listen, there’s nothing fake about Jesus. He doesn’t gossip, lie, steal, fail, or lead us astray or betray. He’s the definition of a true friend.

Fakes friends come a dime a dozen. If I had one for everyone I lost, I’ll have nothing.

you say you love me; I don’t believe you, your actions are a coward they hide behind your words, and they mislead you, deceive you

you say you could walk a mile in my shoes, then prove it

Until you walk the distance with me, you’re shoeless

LET ME SPEAK THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU. You’re the type of person who throws a rock and hide their hand

Then you try to blame the next man where he stands

you put one hand on my shoulder and the other in my back

You turned me around and lied to my face. Where’s the loyalty in that

I called you my friend, but you act more like my frenemy

I invited you into my home and introduced you to my family

We broke bread together and yet you still betrayed me

By kissing me on my cheek and exposing me to the enemy

My brother, I thought we were cool

But I knew this day would come soon

You were bait that was used to cast out your net to reel me in

that’s not my definition of being a fisherman of men

All the things I did for you didn’t mean anything

All the times I defended you seems like they were in vain

The cross is where I died. I gave my life. You died by suicide. You took your life

I had risen from my grave in 3 days

After 3 days your body was stolen from your grave

Now what you have to say about that. Oh, I forgot dead men can’t speak

Your bed have already been made, now it’s too late for you to change your sheets

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