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"For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers."

~ Proverbs 11:14

I've read somewhere that says, A leader is not just a title, it's a behavior. I myself 100% agree. Also, a leader must set standards in place to allow others to follow in their path. A leader is vocal and not passive. One who listens to their intuition and speak out on values that they see are out of alignment. A leader familiarizes themselves with their personnel by forming a relationship through interaction. They help to strengthen the weakness of others while building upon their strengths. Leaders must lead from the front of the formation. So, then why do others linger or roam around in the background? Are they hiding or avoiding confrontation that's in the forefront? If so, that constitutes as cowardice. Jesus was chosen unanimously to be that leader for us because of what he exemplifies. And as followers, we must fall in line behind our true leader. I know in the beginning we are not that familiarized with our leader all that well. But I could tell you all this from experience, the more time we spend with him, the more we know about him. And the more we know about him, the closer our relationship becomes.

Matthew 22:14 states, "For many are called, but a few are chosen." Being called to be a leader is an invitation, not a mandate. Either you could choose to accept it entirely or don't accept the challenge at all. There is no room for half-leaders, only whole-hearted ones. "Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work." ~ Vince L

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