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Don't Settle, Know Your Self-Worth

She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”

~Proverbs 3:15

You are more precious than jewels. The word states your worth. And the word of God cannot tell a lie. So, know your self-worth. With that said, don’t allow anyone to place a price tag on your self-worth, because unbelievably you are worth far more than what you value yourself. Self-worth is your own internal assessment and the value which you place on yourself. Your value should not be weighed on a scale of people but on the scale of God. The difference is that people fluctuate, but your value to God remains the same.

Even a penny has worth and value. But a penny with a hole in it is worthless and contains no value. God understands that hole or void that you have has you feeling worthless and unvalued. But also understand this, the difference between you and the penny is that your hole or void could be fixed and filled with the love, compassion, and grace of God. So, know your self-worth.

If you were to put grains of sand into a glass of water that sand would settle at the bottom of that glass. Do not be like the sand and settle for less than what you deserve. Although, water is a symbol of purity. But even purity could become polluted over the course of time. The words state, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” ~Romans 12:2. Do not be like the water because water conforms to whatever shape it is given. What I’m saying is, don’t be polluted by conforming to whatever shape that this world or anyone tries to give you. God knows your shape because He created you. Know your self-worth.

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