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"My son do not walk in the way with them; hold back your foot from their paths."

~ Proverbs 1:15

A young man enters a room and sees everyone that he hopes to emulate in his life sitting at a table. He stares each individual in their eyes before he walks over to have a seat among them. But what he finds unsurprising is that there wasn't any seats available at the table for him to sit. So, the young man walks away feeling distraught and disappointed while thinking to himself that they could have made room for me. He then askes God, "Why isn't there any room at the table for me to sit?" God replies to the young man by saying, "Build your own table." The young man had taken heed to what God had said to him and decided to build his own table. Once his table was built, he then seated himself among positive, grateful, and enthusiastic individuals. God intent for us is not trying to emulate everyone at the table, but to differentiate ourselves from everyone at the table. Don't follow in everyone else footprints. Follow in the footprints that God has left for you to follow. You see in this story the table is symbolic to our personal self and who we choose to surround ourselves with. The young man didn't use actual hammer and nails to build himself a table, but he used truth and knowledge to build himself.

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1 Comment

Nov 28, 2021

Well said. Never sit amongst those who don’t make room for you nor force yourself unto those who don’t care enough to see your worth.

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