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A Heart Like David's

We're all about to transition into the new year. With the New Year comes a new season, a new reason, and a new heart. Our old ways, habits, and heart can't tag along. We must leave them. In Psalm 51:10, David asks God to "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." David was considered a man after God's own heart. He was asking God for forgiveness and mercy for the sins he had committed. He wanted a change and a clean heart. That's why he asked God to perform spiritual surgery on his heart. We all should be like David in the sense that we must ask God to perform spiritual surgery to remove all traces of anger, resentment, unforgiveness, and hate from our hearts. If we continue to allow these things to pump into our hearts, our hearts will then turn into stone. You see a heart of stone causes blockage in our valves which prevents the blood of Jesus from flowing freely through us. But a heart of flesh allows His blood to flow freely to our hearts. How could manipulate our lips to say that we love God wholeheartedly but haven't forgiven with our whole heart. Don't allow your anger, resentment, unforgiveness, and hate to cause a blockage in your heart which prevents you from fully letting go and loving one another. I urge you all, before this year ends ask God to perform spiritual surgery on your hearts. Because we can't go into the 2023 with the same filthy and unclean heart. May God Bless you all and your families. Amen

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